How To Download Large Files

Apr 16, 2018 - To work around this problem, you can configure a Web site that is dedicated to downloading large files. To do this, disable the HTTP. How to Send Large Files. The site houses the file online and sends your recipient a link to download it. How large can the file be? That depends on the service, and what you're willing to pay.

Hi guys, I've been wondering about this too. It seems like iphone is not designed for recording 15min videos 😟 But I found a way to get the video off the phone.
The photos and video files are stored in 'Backup' folder ('C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataApple ComputerMobileSyncBackup (for win xp)) just before iphone is sync'ed with itunes program. So, after you sync it, find the backup folder, try sorting the files according to size, and find the big files which should be the video files. Then copy them to your folder & rename them to .mov extension.
I've done it just now and it works perfectly. 🙂
  1. Mega doesnt let to download files bigger than 5gb for free - you have to buy pro version or wait many hours. This video shows how to download big files without paying/waiting hours.
  2. Apr 28, 2014 - I don't have the best internet in the world and it takes me some time to download larger files. I'm trying to download a couple of large files from.
  3. You can download files and folders from OneDrive, or from SharePoint Online or SharePoint Server 2019, to your computer with just a few clicks.
  4. Jan 9, 2013 - There's no HTTP solution for corrupt downloads, HTTPS is more likely. Solution for the corruption problem, but to download a large file and be.

I have a file represented as a list of chunks, and the goal is to download all chunks, join and save as a file.


  1. It should work for large files
  2. It should be cross-browser solution

What I've found...

How To Download Large Files From Sharepoint

  1. Use JS Array
    Yes, we can download and store all chunks in regular Javascript array.
    • It's cross-browser solution
    • But it uses RAM, and if file size exceeds free memory browser just crashes...
  2. FileSaver.js
    • Partly cross-browser
    • Limited file size
  3. StreamSaver.js
    • Not cross-browser
    • Works for large files
  4. Filesystem API
    • It's Chrome sandbox filesystem api
    • Works for large files
Tools for downloading large files

But I still can't achieve my goal with covered requirements...
If someone has experience for best solution I kindly ask to share it here. Thanks

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1 Answer

There isn't really a cross-browser option here yet unfortunately.

In Chrome, you can use either the non-standard Filesystem API, or Blobs which Chrome will use the file-system for if the blob is large.

In Firefox, you can use maybe use the non-standard IDBMutableFile. However, it will not work with the download API, so you would have to use window.location to send the browser to the blob URL, which the browser must then download (may not happen for all file extensions). You also may need to use the IDB persistent option to have files larger than ~2GB.

In other browsers, Blob is your only real option. On the up side, the OS the browser runs on may use paging which could enable the browser to create blobs larger than memory.

A service-worker-based option like StreamSaver may also help (perhaps this could be a download API alternative for Firefox), but there is (or was?) a limit to how long the browser will wait for a complete response, meaning you would probably have to download and store the chunks somewhere to complete the response in time.

Alexander O'MaraAlexander O'Mara

How To Download Large Files For Free

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How To Download Large Files Faster

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